Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"To Protect And Serve"

It seems as though the words “to protect and serve” appear to be what a black woman is expected of. She is strong and nurturing, hence comes her ability to protect, and she is also caring and loyal giving her the expectancy to be able to serve. She is viewed as everything except who she really is. Instead of the powerful queen that she should represent, it seems as though she has lowered herself into a position that is pleasing to the world around her. Not even thinking about her true purpose nor the many attributes she can give to society. Instead she was giving names such as mammy, which means “the faithful, obedient, domestic servant”, as said by Patricia Hill Collins. (676) As a black woman, it is common to be looked upon as a sexual creature. We have come to a place in time where black woman both young and old are considered “loose and immoral” (676) Although all of these things are expected, I am proud to say that we are aiming to rise above it. Black women literacy is way more than just simple words being spoken out or written down on a piece of paper. Black women have found ways to expand the horizons and discover new options and new opportunities to better themselves. Spelman college is a great example of this action. By embracing the knowledge that has been set out before us and aggressively pulling ourselves toward literary freedom and success, we as a people have proven the world wrong. It is now up to the future generations to keep this legacy alive. No longer should we be looked upon and casted down as immoral animals, but we shall rise above it become the strong leaders that we were destined to be.


  1. Love the ties from Spelman's pres to the diva shoot below the text.

  2. oh just one recommendation, changing the color of your link to comment your post.

  3. Both comments september 8th at 6:14 am were posted by Lara A
